When I saw a clip from Tyler Perry's studio opening I was truly inspired. He has always inspired me to the core with his movies, plays and now the studio opening. He has such a vision for success and not just the success for himself but to help lift up new and up and coming Black actors of African American decent. He gets a lot of flack about his style of characters like "Madea" but the christian basis for his films and plays is what makes a profound impact on me.
Tyler Perry is not ashamed or afraid to praise God through is work because he knows from whence he's come. The Bible says that Jesus told His people: "If you are ashamed of me, I'll be ashamed of you". Through and through, He's never comprised his love and faith in God for the fame and wealth he acquires. I sure hope he remains as humble as he continues to move up because whether people really want to admit it or not, this is why many people love his work.
The reason why love Tyler Perry so much is because he reminds me of myself. My childhood may have been different from his, but I live everyday of my life in dedication to God. I want to open my art gallery on for me and for status and fame, but for other African American artists that need a place that we can call our own. I have been an artists for over 30 years but I want to expose the passions of black artists in my gallery because I love the culture of our art so much.
My work and life is the foundation of a solid rock that I can not deny or ignore. When I heard about Tyler Perry making negotiations with Hollywood about whether he can mention the word "Jesus" in his sitcom "The House of Payne", I wasn't surprised. Hollywood wants to make and mold African Americans as well as everyone else to change their art form into what they want. Would a person sell their soul, just to please Hollywood? Well, Tyler wouldn't budge. He decided not to make a deal until he could settle under his terms. And as you know, he agreed on terms he could live with on the TBS network. (If you haven't noticed, he uses the word "Jesus" and other christian terms on his show).
This is something that I would not compromise as well. There is nothing that would make me abandon my Savior.
So, Tyler Perry with his beautiful studio ground has inspired me to do more with my life and my dreams. There is no reason why anyone can't make their dreams dome true if they really want them to exists.
Resources: black art, african american art, black artists, black art gallery, tyler perry, tyler perry studios, african americans, art, african american, black actors
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